There are so many misconceptions and myths regarding the Law of Attraction, so many people do not believe it is accurate. However, let me tell you that the Law of Attraction is as precise as it can get. The issue is that this phenomenon is highly misunderstood because so many sources around have misrepresented it. Therefore, that is why there are so many myths and misunderstandings around it. Let’s now take some time to bust the common Law of Attraction myths so that you can begin to understand it and use it to your advantage. 

It Does Not Work For Everybody

Actually, the Law of Attraction can work for just about anyone who masters it. It does not matter whether you are young, elderly, middle-aged, a minor. Your race, religion, education, socioeconomic status does not matter. If you know how to use it, it works for you. This myth developed because so many people were not utilizing it correctly. Therefore, they believed the Law of Attraction did not work for them. I will say it once more: The Law of Attraction works for everyone!! You are not an exception, and neither is your neighbor, co-worker, elderly aunt, or teenage cousin. 

The Law Of Attraction Is Magic

You may have the vision of a genie approaching you and telling you to make three wishes. Then, after you make those wishes, the genie magically grants them, and before you know it, they come true for you. That is what you may envision when it comes to the Law of Attraction. It is an adorable thought, but it also is not accurate. That is not how manifestation works, as it has nothing to do with anything magical. 

Why is the Law of Attraction not magical? Because it has everything to do with you taking necessary actions once you have a vision. Once you take the steps required to make something happen, there is nothing magical about that. However, after having a vision in your mind and maintaining it, those actions you take involve the Law of Attraction. You have to take action because nothing will come to you no matter how many times you imagine it, and the only step you take by doing so is snapping your fingers. 

You Will Attract Good Or Bad Things By Thinking Good Or Bad Thoughts

That is one of the Law of Attraction myths that often gets people in trouble because they begin to fear having negative thoughts and feelings. I will promise you this – one human emotion and thought that might be negative will not attract anything! If you suppress those feelings and thoughts because you fear them, that can damage you because if you internalize them, that can cause you to lose focus on what you want to attract. Therefore, that will interfere with the Law of Attraction and your manifestation abilities. 

Here is a promise and one example of what people often fear: if you are angry with your spouse and you are not thinking too kindly of them at the moment, do you think they will divorce you from having that one thought? But, on the other hand, if they love you and want to work out the difference, the thought will not even occur to them. Therefore, having a negative thought about your marriage will not ruin it. 

Here is another example that may be more relatable if you are spiritually inclined. If you are reading about people who had attempted to use the Ouija board and had negative experiences with it does not mean you will attract those experiences only by reading about them. If you focus on it to the point of using it, then the risk is there. Unless you know what you are doing with the Ouija board, it is best not to attempt it. However, reading horror stories about it to the point you are scared will not cause any problems. 

At the same time, if you are thinking positive thoughts about having money fall out of the sky, I am sorry to say that will not happen either. Firstly, money does not fall out of the sky. Secondly, you have to take the appropriate action to make money. 

Manifestation Is So Hard

Actually, manifestation is relatively easy if you know how to do it correctly. You can create a vision board only if you want if you think it will keep your focus on the thing you want to manifest. Practice gratitude daily, so you are in a mindset where you are open to abundance. Then keep taking the appropriate action to attract what you want to manifest, and slowly watch it come true as long as you maintain your focus. Most importantly, if you have a terrible day or face an obstacle that will happen – don’t think it is not working. You can always take a break, rest, and start again fresh the next day. 

The bottom line is that the Law of Attraction is a lot more straightforward than many people believe it is because of how much misrepresentation around it. Here is the thing to remember: the Law of Attraction works for anyone, regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, age, and education. Also, the Law of Attraction is not magic because it does not work if you only have a wish and envision it. You have to take action, and there is nothing magical about that. 

You also do not need to worry about the Law of Attraction working against you if you have a negative thought, as long as you don’t allow it to be your main focus 24/7. At the same time, having one wishful or positive thinking will not bring you anything you want either. Once again, taking action is the key, and at the same time, manifesting is not challenging to do. The Law of Attraction takes work, effort, and energy, and you have to be willing to put it out if you want to manifest the thing you want!