You have heard about vision boards being a part of the Law of Attraction process, and they are an integral part. That is because vision boards help you focus on what you want to manifest. They do not create any magical thing when it comes to manifestation. They are strictly there to help you remain focused. A vision board can help you focus your thoughts and feelings that bring the thing you are manifesting into your life. That is why you will want to make a vision board and a notebook! Let’s go over the steps to create a powerful vision board. 

The Supplies You Need When Creating Your Vision Board

You will want to get a large piece of Bristol board (or paper board) which you can get from any art supply shop, or you could get it from a box store such as Walmart. You will also want to find plenty of magazines with the item or items you wish to manifest as well as a picture of you. You can find several images of you and your family if you choose. Be sure to have scissors, rubber cement, glue, and glue sticks. You are going to get crafty so enjoy the process of your creation. 

The First Step Is To Cut Pictures And Texts Out Of Magazines

You have your Bristol board. Now, you will want to go through the magazines and find the images of the things you want to manifest. Once you find those items, you will begin to cut the pictures from the magazine of those items out. Use your intuition when it comes to finding the right images. The same goes for any text you want to include on your vision board. Once you have enough pictures and texts, pull out the ones you want to include and toss out the photographs and texts that no longer feel compelling or great to you. The purpose is that you want to keep your vibration as high as possible. If you add images and texts you don’t find compelling or motivating in any way, then it will lower your frequency. That is the last thing you want to happen regarding the Law of Attraction. 

Start Laying Your Favorite Images On The Board Then Start Gluing Them

Once you lay out the pictures of what you want to manifest on your vision board, you will want to take the pictures of yourself at the center of the board. Then, put the other images surrounding you. And if you are manifesting different things that pertain to health, jobs, and wealth, you can put those pictures in different areas of the board. If you don’t like that idea, you can create a collage of them together. It all depends on what you want to do and what feels right. Start gluing them on, and you have your board. You can put your board anywhere you choose. You will want to put it somewhere visible in your office or kitchen. But, what if you don’t have a lot of space in your home? You can choose to create a vision board notebook instead!

How Do You Create A Vision Board Notebook?

If you don’t want to create a vision board because it is too large or you like the idea of a journal better, you can always make a vision board notebook. You need to get a notebook or a journal, and you can decorate each page in the notebook with magazine cutouts the same way you would create a vision board. You can use all of the images of what you want to manifest on every notebook page as a collage. You can also put different things you want to manifest in other journal sections. For instance, you can use a few pages in the journal to focus on having better health, and then another few areas of the journal to focus on getting a new job, and so on. Let’s now go over a case study of how someone wants to manifest their dream home and use the vision board for that. 

A Vision Board Case Study

Let’s talk about a work-at-home-mom who lives in a busy urban area, Nicole, who wants to manifest her dream home that has a cottage-like appearance, in cottage country. Nicole does not like where she lives, and her husband agrees. However, she feels that moving away to cottage country will provide a better environment for her kids and her husband. 

Nicole knows quite well that you have to be on a high vibrational frequency to manifest what you want. The Universe will not respond in the way you like otherwise. Therefore, Nicole will not focus on how much she dislikes her neighborhood and city. Instead, Nicole is creating a vision board that has to do with her dream home. She picked up a large bristol board and intended to place it in her home office. 

She is also grabbing plenty of magazines in the decorating and home niche. Finally, she is cutting out the pictures of the homes she envisions herself having, which have a cottage-like appearance. She is also cutting out photos of the countryside where she wants to move.  Nicole is also finding pictures of her with her family to a place in the center of the vision board. Another thing she wants to do is get healthy and lose a few pounds. 

Therefore, she is grabbing some health-related magazines to pick out weight loss images to add to the vision board. Nicole has all of her pictures. She has decided to create a collage of images of cottage-country homes in addition to weight loss images, including healthy meals and slimmer bodies. 

Nicole glued the picture of her family in the middle of the board and then glued the other images of what she wanted to manifest surrounding the photo of her family in the center. After Nicole finished with her vision board, she took a thumbtack and stuck it on the wall by her computer. Therefore, she has the view of the vision board each time she works and will never lose sight of what she wants to manifest. Then, with intense focus, she could take action to bring those things she wanted into her life! Nicole is now a proud owner of her dream home in the area where she wanted to live and is happy with her body! The vision board helped because it helped her keep her focus!