One of the worst feelings in the world is when you have studied everything about the Law of Attraction and manifestation, and you do not get the results you expect after applying what you learn. You have been reading all of the information about it from reputable sources. Yet, the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for you. 

The Law of Attraction seems to be doing very well for your coworker who used it to attain his summer boat, so you know it does work. However, it is not working for you. And you are on the verge of giving up trying it altogether. 

Why is your coworker able to use the Law of Attraction to his advantage, and your neighbor did too after they talked about how they utilized it to get their dream job? Therefore, you know it is real. So what is it that you are doing wrong? Let’s go over some strong possibilities as to why the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for you. 

Deep Down You May Not Believe You Deserve The Things You Want To Attract

Here is the thing. You could study the Law of Attraction and how to use it for your benefit from the best sources. You could even be applying all of it correctly. But if there is that buried feeling that you don’t think you deserve the thing you want to manifest, you will not attract it. 

Remember that you will attract things running on the same frequency as you if you want to attract wealth, which runs on a high frequency. Suppose you believe that you don’t deserve it no matter what you are doing to manifest it; that energy runs on a low vibration. That explains why it is not working for you. 

You need to dig within and be honest with yourself. Ask yourself why you don’t think you deserve wealth, and you will see a connection with low self-esteem. You need to build and improve your self-esteem and start reciting affirmations about wealth, which can help you develop the belief that you deserve it. You likely will need therapy if the issue runs deep within, and do some journaling too. Once you are on that level of higher vibration, you will see you begin to attract wealth. 

Live In A Lack Mindset

One of the reasons that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work you is that you live in a lack mindset. You focus on what you don’t have instead of what you do have and deserving more abundance. That issue comes from a lack of gratitude and ingrained beliefs that you need to struggle for money or other things you want in your life because you think it does not come easy to anyone. 

The truth is that it does take work to make the Law of Attraction work for you for anything because manifestation requires you to take the appropriate actions. But that does not equate to it being challenging to attain as long as you take the proper steps while living in a mindset of abundance. The way to live in an abundance mindset is to be in a constant state of gratitude. 

For instance, if you are looking to purchase a larger home in a particular area, and the ones you want are not in your price range, you will only focus on how expensive they are. You will only focus on how you cannot afford it or taking out an extra-large mortgage to do so. You are focusing on lack and on debt which goes hand in hand. 

How do you fix this? First, you need to focus on how grateful the home you live in has been for serving your purpose. Be thankful for providing you shelter, warmth, and comfort, and acknowledge it is the right time to change your residence. Be open to finding the home of your dreams in other areas instead of one particular one. Find an agent who can help you sell your home and lead you to the perfect one for you, and hold onto the belief that the home of your dreams is right around the corner. 

Your Relationships And Environment Are Poor

If you have every intention to attract the things you want and fail to do so, you need to take a good look around you. What does your environment look like, and how are your relationships? Do you live in a state of clutter and dirt? And are your relationships toxic? Are your friends mistreating you because you allow them to do so? 

Do you thrive on gossip? Those things right there are the reasons you find that the Law of Attraction is not working for you. That is a sign that you don’t think you are important enough to attract the things you want. 

Therefore, you need to think hard and dig deep down why you live in that type of environment and have those types of friends. But, unfortunately, that also is tied to self-doubt and low self-esteem. And that may require working with a therapist and doing some journaling to help you pinpoint why you do that to yourself. 

When you find the answer to that, start giving your environment and your relationships a makeover. Clean up clutter, scrub and vacuum your home. Get yourself organized as well. And don’t hesitate to ditch so-called friends who are not there to support you. Sure, you may be alone for some time, but don’t let that get to you because once you improve your vibration, you will attract much better quality friends who will support you. 

The bottom line is that the reason the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for you boils down to low self-esteem which causes self-doubt, a lack mindset, and a toxic environment including toxic friends. It does not matter how well you know the Law of Attraction. If you don’t fix those inner issues, you will not allow them to work for you. To allow it to work for you, you will need to likely work with the therapist if the issues are deep. However, if you believe you will get better, you will begin letting the Law of Attraction work for you.