You know that the gist of the Law of Attraction and Manifesting Abundance is about what you focus on expanding. Therefore, the more thoughts and power you give to something, you will act accordingly and cause it to turn into reality. That is how manifestation works. You manifest things based on your beliefs, which compel you to take specific actions to make them a reality. You may think that to manifest something you want. You have to take certain types of action that you do not do daily. However, here is some good news. You do not have to go out of your way to manifest anything. There are life hacks you can utilize daily to manifest abundance! Let’s go over these daily life hacks that you can use to help you with your manifestation abilities.

“don’t buy the cheapest item on the market”

Sure, it is understandable that you want to be frugal, and frugal living is good because it shows that you care about where your money goes. However, the last thing you want to do is be cheap either. If you are cheap, you think in a lack mindset, reinforcing your beliefs that you don’t have much money. Therefore, you will not be manifesting abundance that way. What you want to do is if you need a new item, whether it is a new appliance, a new purse, new shoes, new clothing, and so on, don’t buy the cheapest one on the market.

Instead, buy the best-quality one because you deserve the best, and you will have to expect to spend more money. Then, when you have an abundance mind frame, you will be happy to pay the amount of money for an item you need. You do not need to buy the most expensive item on the market either because there is a good chance it has features that you do not want. Buy an item that you need of excellent quality, and don’t think about spending the money you need to buy the item.

“carry cash in your wallet”


Manifest Money Wallet

You likely don’t carry much cash with you as you are used to paying for your items with your debit or credit cards. However, if you see no money in your wallet, you will not think in terms of abundance. The image of cash stimulates a manifesting abundance way of thinking. Therefore, if you take out plenty of cash from your ATM, the amount will be up to you and keep it in your wallet, then each time you go and pay for an item, whether you use cash or plastic, you will have the image of cash in your mind. Therefore, you will see yourself as wealthy and deserving of more wealth.

If you plan to take a walk in a neighborhood that you know nothing about, you may want to leave your cash at home so you don’t take the chance of being mugged.

“create an environment that represents abundance”


Is your home cluttered? Then you will want to declutter and clean it because a clean and organized home will attract abundance. That means if you have a lot of clutter, find a day to declutter. Each time you buy an item, find a place to put it not to create clutter. You will also want your home to smell great to burn some scented candles; you can use a safe plugin air freshener and keep your home smelling fresh. You can also put calming music on in the background at a low level. When you do these small hacks, you will create an environment that represents and attracts abundance.

If you have small kids that will make messes in your home, then all you can do is your best! If your kids are old enough to clean up, teach them to put their toys away after using them.

“treat your body as the temple it is”

You deserve lovely things, and as long as you genuinely believe that, you will bring abundance to your life. But, of course, that means you will not only want to eat healthy foods and do plenty of exercise, but you want to wear high-quality clothing. You also want to bring comfort to yourself, so why not wear a comfortable and luxurious robe after taking a self-soothing bath. Then, go and put on a face mask and bask in how good it feels after removing it. If you treat your body like a temple, which it is, then you will also be manifesting abundance. Don’t forget to put a splash of cologne or perfume on you too!

“celebrate the milestones that you achieve as you take action towards attaining the big goal”

There is one roadblock that people often face when they attempt to manifest what they want. They are not focusing on the journey and are looking at the result too much. For instance, someone is trying to lose 30 lbs but is disappointed that it takes too long to attain. That is why it is essential to celebrate milestones as you achieve them along the way. For instance, that individual who is attempting to lose 30 lbs should celebrate each 10 lbs loss. They should have had a mini private celebration for losing the first 10 lbs as that is a significant milestone that will lead them towards a 30-lbs weight loss. Celebration puts you in the vibration of gratitude and appreciation.

Celebrating Abundance

If you only look at the result and not at the milestones, that can lead you to disappointment which can also cause you to lose what you are manifesting. That is not what you want to happen. Therefore, it is critical to celebrate all of your milestones no matter how far away they are from the big goal. That will keep your eye on the prize and help you manifest what you want in the end.

These everyday hacks are easy to utilize as long as you remain consistent with them. If you use them well, then you will be on your way to manifesting some great things. You can do it!