Let me tell you a story about Joanna, who desperately wanted to make enough money to go on her dream cruise next year. She was ready to advertise her business on different platforms so she could make it happen. Joanna was also excited about making this move because she would attain this dream trip. You would think that Joanna would have no problem with manifesting this dream and turning it into reality based on that alone. She was planting the seeds for it to happen, and you would assume that those seeds would germinate.

However, during Joanna’s manifestation journey, something went very wrong. She began to doubt that she could raise that kind of revenue to help make her dream come true. Joanna’s doubts turned into negative self-talk, which turned into despair. And she also didn’t follow up with potential clients who reached out to her because they were interested in her business. As a result, the seeds did not germinate, and she failed to manifest this dream. Her desire to manifest this money so she could take the trip did not match the energy she put out for it. Does this sound familiar to you? How many times have you been in Joanna’s shoes, and what can you do about preventing it from happening again? Let’s delve into that a little more.

“the reason that you fail to manifest your dreams is due to a mismatch of energies”

Here is the thing. When you set an intention to manifest something, you have to stay focused and not allow any negative self-talk, anxiety, and fear to get in the way. Even though it is natural to experience those issues from time to time as you manifest your dreams, when you stay on course, you will find ways to release them before allowing any negativity and doubt to contaminate your manifestation.

That was the mistake that Joanna made. She doubted her ability to make the amount of money that she wanted to take the trip. However, having doubts alone will not cause those seeds to stop germinating if you can talk yourself out of them. Remind your focus and intention, and remind yourself of any ordinary individual who manifested something significant and how you are no different from them. That will put you back on track. It is also natural to have anxiety, but stay calm and work through the feelings again. That way, you can go back to keeping your eye on the prize and going back to manifesting.

By the way, if you are frustrated, some negative self-talk will happen, such as yelling out, “I can’t do this!”. That alone will not hurt your manifesting abilities as long as you get it out of your system. You may need to punch a punching bag or a pillow if you are angry. It is essential that any negativity you experience while manifesting your dream you release immediately. That is the point, and that is what Joanna failed to do. It is all about the energies you emit. If you are constantly emitting low vibrational energy, you cannot attract anything higher than that. An abundance of money runs on a high vibrational frequency. You have to believe you will attain that abundance to draw it.

However, there are reasons that you would end up lowering your energy the way Joanna did. It is best to examine some of those reasons to avoid it and work through any difficulty appropriately, so it does not affect your vibration.

“what habits can prevent you from of manifesting what you want?”


One thing that can get in the way of manifestation is allowing a troubling past to affect your present. If you were scapegoated in your youth, that would hurt your self-esteem. Therefore, if you want to manifest something great, your self-esteem will get in the way of it because you will have a lot of negative self-talk. As a result, you will not believe you are worthy of it. You would have to do a lot of work on your self-esteem by saying affirmations daily that support you feeling better about yourself. It will be uncomfortable at first, but you will want to think about your previous accomplishments to prove that you can attain good things. If you look hard enough, you will find them!

Another issue that can get in the way of your manifestation abilities is a lack of self-care. You cannot pour from an empty cup, so the seeds you plant for manifestation will not germinate. That means you need to commit yourself to get quality sleep each night, eating healthy foods, drinking enough water, and becoming more active. If you are a parent, you will want to find a support system to help you find the balance between caring for your kids and yourself. If you have a child with special needs or a caregiver for an ageing parent, seek respite! It is essential! You will not only experience burnout but resentment, which will most definitely hurt your manifestation abilities.

Self care manifesting

If none of those things are happening, then you may be struggling with motivation! If you want to attract things you want, you have to stay motivated. It has nothing to do with hard work. Instead, you want to stay enthusiastic about being on this journey and work in intelligent ways. The more you see results, the more motivated and passionate you will be. You know that taking action is part of manifestation, and the more motivated you are, the more action you will take, and the quicker your dreams will come to you.

If you are motivated and taking action, but you don’t feel like you are manifesting anything, you need to look at two other things. Firstly, you want to look at your relationships and friendships. Are you a gossiper? Do you like drama? Do you think about people who you do not like often? Well, if you answered yes, that will get in the way of the Law of Attraction. So don’t think about those who you do not like, and do not engage in drama. Do not be afraid to cut out friends who are not serving your purpose, and surround yourself with supportive people.

Another significant issue you may face is that you are not expressing enough gratitude for your blessings. If you are not grateful for the blessings in your life, the Universe will see it as you taking them for granted. Why would the Universe grant you anything more if that is the case? That is a significant energy mismatch there! Gratitude runs on high vibrational energy.

If you have related to Joanna in some way, and you also realize that you have been your worst enemy when it comes to not manifesting what you want – now you can make some significant changes. Of course, it will take practice, which is okay, but nothing will stop you when you are ready to attract the great things in your life!