Are you unsure of how you can strengthen your manifestation abilities to attract the things that you want? If so, you are not alone. You hear so many phrases containing the terms Law of Attraction and manifestation. However, you also know that the more you focus on expands, which is the gist of how the Law of Attraction works. You love the idea of manifesting the things that you want in your life. However, you do not know how to do it. 

There is some good news for you. First, you can quickly learn how to do it by playing some manifestation games. Second, the games you can play to strengthen your manifestation abilities are a lot of fun. Third, these games are safe. And they are to help you boost your manifesting ability muscles the same way you would want to strengthen your physical muscles by spending time working out daily. Let’s go over five fun manifestation games you can play right now that will help you master that ability in no time!

Strengthen Your Manifestation Abilities With A Scavenger Hunt

You likely can recall when you went to birthday parties, summer camp, or Easter if you celebrated it and other events as a child when you were having a scavenger hunt. Think back to how you felt when you were about to go on a scavenger hunt. You likely were excited, and you knew that you were going to find something neat. Since you had that belief you were going to find something awesome by going on a scavenger hunt, you were manifesting that reality even though you did not know it. 

You can have a scavenger hunt at home, which is a great manifestation game to play. Take out a bowl where you will put the treasures you find, and go around your house looking for some exciting items you may not even remember having. When you find a thing that you did not remember having, place it in the bowl. The purpose is you know you will find something when you go on a scavenger hunt. By focusing on the items you will find, you will manifest that reality while detaching from the outcome – hence, not focusing too much on what particular item you will find.

Draw What You Want To Manifest 

You can get creative by drawing what you want to manifest. You can paint it, or sketch it, or draw it on a piece of paper. You can do this daily during your spare time. Be careful not to get too hooked on the outcome; just draw the general idea of what you want to manifest for you to stay focused on it. For instance, if you want to increase your income, you can draw or paint pictures of money while actively working on increasing your revenue. The more you have this belief ingrained into your mind because drawing it or painting it is so much, the more you will focus on taking this action – and before you know it, you will attain the new income stream. 

Charge Your Water With Intentions

Here is a simple game you can play. Before you drink a glass of water, put your hands around it for around ten seconds and envision the thing you want to manifest. Envision it with positive energy, and then have a drink. Do this each time before you drink your water or whatever beverage you are drinking at the time. 

The purpose of this game is to raise your vibration and to help brighten your mood. And here is a side benefit. The more you drink water, the more you will need to use the bathroom, which means you will need to wash your hands more often. So you can play this manifesting game while staying healthy, which is a win-win. 

Manifest A Message From Someone

Here is another game you can play that will enhance your visualization skills. Please don’t focus on the outcome too much because it may not come to fruition. And if it does, and often it does, it is a bonus. The purpose is to imagine someone who you have not spoken to for a long time. It can be someone from your social media connections, your contact lists on your phone, or an old address book. 

Focus on that individual and think back to the last time you spoke to them. How did you talk to them? Was it by phone, text, video chat? Go and find a picture of the individual and imagine yourself speaking with them. It can be small talk such as a chat about the weather. That is up to you. Imagine chatting with this individual every few hours and don’t go out of your way to contact them. 

The purpose of the game is to visualize it. Therefore, if the individual does not contact you, then leave it. However, what could end up likely happening since you played this game, is you could have someone else from the past contact you out of the blue who knew that individual too. That would be pretty neat because even though the person you envisioned did not contact you, the manifestation worked. After all, a mutual friend did, which is a sign that this works, even though the outcome may be different. 

Strengthen Your Manifestation Abilities With A Gratitude Game

Manifestation works exceptionally well if you focus on the things you have that you appreciate. In fact, you may not attract the best things if you don’t show any appreciation for your blessings. If you are not in the habit of making gratitude lists, this is a great time to start. However, this game is slightly different from that. What you will do is appreciate the environment around you. 

Get yourself a notebook, and start looking around your environment for things that you love and appreciate. For example, if you are in your office and have a small fan, you can add that to the list because you appreciate that fan for how it helps keep you cool and comfortable. You will want to use language such as “love” and “thankful” as it enables you to get into the habit of expressing gratitude. You can choose as many objects around you to show your gratitude towards and jot them into the book as you would like. 

You will want to do this daily. One day you may have found five things in the office that you are thankful for, and the next day, you can find anything while you take your neighborhood walk that you love. One of the things that you may find is someone walking a dog, and you can add that to your list if you love dogs. As you add it to your list, you can say, “I love dogs because they are so much fun and so playful, and they make you feel better.”

Once you get into the habit of it, you will find it much easier to show gratitude for things that others take for granted, which will help enhance your manifestation abilities. 

 There are five easy games to strengthen your manifestation abilities you can play right there that will turn you into a superstar when it comes to attracting and manifesting what you want! Share these game ideas with your friends too who wish to get better at manifestation, and you can also compare notes. They are fun and easy, which is a bonus!